Some of the work that gets me excited

Much of my work is in software development and application of the tools created to tumor data sets such as ovarian epidemiology cohorts and clear cell renal cell carcinoma. In addition to this work, I also participate in giving workshops, talks, and tutorials for performing data analyses. Currently also working on a landscape sarcoma project looking at mutation, copy number, and histology subtype reassignment.

Increased spatial coupling of integrin and collagen IV in the immunoresistant clear cell renal cell carcinoma tumor microenvironment


Tumor immune cell clustering and its association with survival in African American women with ovarian cancer

spatialTIME and iTIME: R package and Shiny application for visualization and analysis of immunofluorescence data

Spatial Transcriptomics – What is it and How can we use it to explore tumor microenvironments?

Alex Soupir - Bio-Trac Spatial Transcriptomics Workshop July 2023 - Montgomery College, Rockville, MD

Invited Talks

An Exploratory Analysis of the Transcriptomic and Mutational Landscape of Soft Tissue Sarcomas

Alex Soupir - ORIEN Scientific Retreat 2023 - Salt Lake City, UT

Effects of plasma exosome isolation methods on detectable multi-omic profiles in cancer patients and healthy controls

Alex Soupir - National Institutes of Health Liquid Biopsy RIG Sept 2022 - Virtual

Spatial analysis of immune cells from multiplex immunofluorescence using R package spatialTIME and iTIME Shiny application

Jordan Creed and Alex Soupir - Statistical Methods in Imaging Conference 2022 - Nashville, TN